Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hymn to all thy imaginations
Aim to glorify God’s glory
Pink and red roses in the offing
Pine trees and flowers all around
Yes, greenery is visible on this special day

Bring this news to all in the synagogue
In every day God give its miracle
Rendezvous of spirituality and humanity
Today and tomorrow gleams its twilight
Hundreds of angels sing to your dream
Dances and tapping of all that smiles
Ailment of ones heart no more
Yuletide is within every body hearts

Bounded by all who love Christianity
Ritual to all holy rosary and holy tidings
On your natal day Holy Almighty give its blessing
Drilll to the spiritual holiness in every day

Think and wink to the message by then
In every success started in one single step
Merry go round in the well of God
Oh, how blessed are we to have such a brother
That glorify and cleanse our soul in His presence
Endless summation of grace and holiness
On this day a million blessing from all us!

Happy Birthday Brod Tim & Congratulations!

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