Thursday, October 27, 2011


October 28, 2011
Dedicated To: Brod Raul Damandaman

B-lessings comes in every natal day
R-itual of prayers and sacrifices
O-h yes Almighty God will listen and
D-ear to give all that you had asked for.

R-ing this note to thy Milky Way
A-ll has its equal chances then
U-nlimited flow of energy from Him
L- ove of humanity is what God Teaches

H-appy to have such spiritual and material blessings
A-ll be received in His Time
P-riceless, clueless as they say
P-rime and supreme dilemma acquits
Y-ield your strong faith to our Creator

B-e gratefull and happy on your natal day
I-llusions no more as God provides all
R-ight!, ..just believe in Him and rest is history
T-rail of surprises comes uncalled for
H-oliness of your natural gift
D-ine with all your constituents
A-ll day long remember those less in life
Y-et comes to surpassed there handicap

A-h yes, God gives a brighter tomorrow
N-ot only you but to all thy offspring
D-enounce today all those shortcomings

G-o!…. for a multi-celebrations
O-n your mark begins its intention
D-one for God’s Glory to infinity

B-eleaguered less as blessing comes
L-ove one another is the only key
E-ndless power of life is from Him
S-ign an end to all thy sacrifices
S-entiments no more on this Very Special Day!

Happy Birthday Brod Raul & Congratulations!!


OCTOBER 20, 2011

B-ring this immortal note to everyone
R-ing all the phone for celebrations
O-h how we feel the ambiance
D-rum & bugle stand as one

J-oin one and all to sweet memories
O-h merry go round goes all around
H-one to all thy answered prayers
N-obody but you the celebrant

H-ail today thy gracious quorum
A-ll is fair in the eyes of creator
P-ale faces are all here to dramatize
P-ole vault of strong belief and camaraderie
Y-es we thank God for all surprises

F-rom heaven to earth an angels comes
I-ndignity as its only prime
F-oremost to all its loveones
T-rivial parade of humbled friendship
I-n this part of earth we praise God
E-nd of time is at his mercy
T-oday, tomorrow and beyond
H-ope to see all the fruits of hardship

B-ring all the good news as its tidings
I-ndebted of all the charismatic activities
R-itual of endless holy rosary and worship
T-rade all the goals that have in your mind
H-ump of all the gist and sacrifices
D-ay-in day-out we fathom the outcome
A-ll is welcome to His Kingdom
Y-es we are all oblige to be a Good Samaritan

A-im high for all the Christians practitioner
N-ight and day we give its entire route
D-ear Lord we are thankful to have Him

C-aregiver of all the misfortunes
O-n this day we give all the tidings
N-obody knows all its gracious entry
G-rab the opportunity that is beyond imagination
R-oaring sound of birds music and dance steps
A-ll are welcome the to hear its lullaby
T-oday and yesterday are part of history
U-ltimate wisdom grab its total opportunity
L-ove one another is the only key
A-im high to get the highest expectations
T-eam of worship and prayers comes one by one
I-ll feeling of oneself is not an issue
O-h how we thank All who are here
N-obody gives a hint but then
S-emblance of a Happy Natal day starts today