Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Dedicated to Mollie Del Villar - Nov 16, 2011

H-ail to all thy glorious days
A-ll are welcome and witnessed
P-eel of surprises and camaraderie
P-aint the town red my dear
Y-es a celebration on this natal day

B-ring all this note to all who comes
I-n every season they are adhered
R-endezvous of all thy constituent
T-riggered by prayers and sacrifices
H-one by past and present experiences
D-ance and sing as we heard God’s Glory
A-ll is fair in His tidings
Y- outh always stays in thy heart

M-erry go round goes outright
O-h , we thanks the Almighty’s graces
L-ove one another is His glory
L-ive to the fullest and God’s provide
I-n all thy wishes will come true
E-ndless prayers are heard by then

A-im high to struggle all your dream
N-ight and day an angel will come
D-rive to all thy ambitions as drench

G-o for a spiritual mind and motive
O-h how we treasure the good old days
D-ine to all thy sad and good memories

B-eleaguered by world crisis by far
L-earned to foster the God’s given gift
E-bb of tidings are in the offings
S-ip and taste all thy trials by then
S-ealed Almighty gift are on its way