Tuesday, August 16, 2016


God created us above all living things
On this very day I pray to whole world
Doing one’s spirituality is inevitable

Indeed all are advice to look upon oneself
Sure enough tirade would be whitewashed

Long live Christianity!
Once and for all
Vault of love are waiting in the offing
Entry to thy sacrifice in the Holy Cross!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


B eauty of nature beholds all entity.
O n this precious island at Philippine archipelago,
H ome of countless heroes & heroine,
O h how we treasure its entire offspring,
L and of simple and humble Boholanos!

M odern day society focus its inner self
Y et progression goes through its prime.

N onetheless all faithful advocates,
A ctivates anew its desire,
T horns of there entire domain,
I gnorance of truth bids farewell,
V ent of summit hardship was tilled,
E nd-up with all the necessities.

L ove of my native land where I belong,
A ct of festivities are present year round,
N aïve yet always had all its prosperity,
D ared to comeback thyself in years to come!



Dedicated to my mother's descendants, Bohol


Lounge life is meaningless
In this very day we receive
From zero to infinity has blessings
Enlist your hope to Him

In this clever world of humanity
Site your focus to each and every one

All of the time we never surrender

Milestone of hope and ambitions
Ignorance of worldly affair are not hindrance
Roaring prayers and rosary to inner self
Always carry your hope and blessings
Clean soul has it future in his kingdom
Lengthy sacrifice would end up to eternity
Elegant and oneness to both our life and spirit

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Vines of miracle awaits devotees
Indeed we will see you again & again
Vine of faith clogs ones conscience
Aid of sweetness come after any trouble

Pale of celebration can not be trace
Ill feeling of all witness
Today tomorrow and beyond

Sighted by all thy neighbors
Earn your respect from the very beginning
Nightingale awaits merry making atmosphere
In every meeting we remember by then
Oh how we pity those newly promoted
Ring the all bell as they may call





H-one to all my friends

A-im to whisper thy God’s tidings

P-ail of  happiness and rewards

P-aint red thy town today

Y-es! prepare one and all….


B-rave heart as they say

I-ndebted to all who witness

R-oaring sounds of surprises

H-int to all that awaits

T-oday, tomorrow and beyond

D-ear God Almighty

A-lways there to answer

Y-oung and old friends goes by


G-orgeous at stake my dear

A-ll day long and waiting

N-evertheless progress laid within

G-o…and be happy all day


G-old and dust are by far

O-h! How we miss those old days

D-ine in and out spree


B-lend of hardwork and play

L-ong live all thy dreams

E-ndless prayers has its answers

S-weet and sour of life as always

S-ing Alleluia to the Lord…

Happy…Happy… Birthday….GG