Sunday, February 21, 2016





H-one to all my friends

A-im to whisper thy God’s tidings

P-ail of  happiness and rewards

P-aint red thy town today

Y-es! prepare one and all….


B-rave heart as they say

I-ndebted to all who witness

R-oaring sounds of surprises

H-int to all that awaits

T-oday, tomorrow and beyond

D-ear God Almighty

A-lways there to answer

Y-oung and old friends goes by


G-orgeous at stake my dear

A-ll day long and waiting

N-evertheless progress laid within

G-o…and be happy all day


G-old and dust are by far

O-h! How we miss those old days

D-ine in and out spree


B-lend of hardwork and play

L-ong live all thy dreams

E-ndless prayers has its answers

S-weet and sour of life as always

S-ing Alleluia to the Lord…

Happy…Happy… Birthday….GG

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