Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tears of loneliness surrounds at site
On your natal day turns gray my friend
Nobody knows your situations around
Ton we are in sorrow to lose you
Old golden days are remnants of today
Naïve minds and body are all in one setting
Crowded place is our crest by then
Ultimate memories had all the triumph
Aim high to trace the dreamer’s dream
Dear Lord we pray to you
Received thy soul of our best friend
All have the extremes yet only God can give
May all the blessings have course to thy heaven
Yes we remember all thy kindness and camaraderie
Friend of all the PSCians before and forever
Ring all thy bells as you go to thy creator’s kingdom
Indeed a very joyous way to remember
Err of humanity will always have its forgiveness
Nonetheless We pray you always to have eternal life
Day of hardship no more as Almighty God is in your life
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Old grief has all the reasons
Love of God above all
Yearly sacrifices has all the meanings
Cream of all creams may crop-up
Rendezvous of all the illnesses
Oh we miss that lengthy parade of candles
Shines a bright future ahead to us
Songbird has all the imaginations
Indebtedness to everyone
Nonetheless greens of future in the offing
All have the privilege to overcome
Nobody but you has all the tasks
Trim down as you go to your spiritual gift
Old enough to redeem all the happiness
Quiet enough to facilitate all the throngs in life
Untimely crisis has no reasons
Indeed bow our heads and praise our Almighty
Address your wishes through holy rosary..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hindrance to all thy blessings
Old grief has all the reasons
Love of God above all
Yearly sacrifices has all the meanings
Cream of all creams may crop-up
Rendezvous of all the illnesses
Oh we miss that lengthy parade of candles
Shines a bright future ahead to us
Songbird has all the imaginations
Indebtedness to everyone
Nonetheless greens of future in the offing
All have the privilege to overcome
Nobody but you has all the tasks
Trim down as you go to your spiritual gift
Old enough to redeem all the happiness
Quiet enough to facilitate all the throngs in life
Untimely crisis has no reasons
Indeed bow our heads and praise our Almighty
Address your wishes through holy rosary..
Likewise ambient surrounded solemnity
Lengthy prayers and offerings to thy love ones
Songs and prayers across the miles
Oh how we treasure all the souls around
Ultimate grief is tantamount to fumes and blessings
Live today, tomorrow & everyday
Save thy wishes to the Milky Way
Dare to forget thy loving memories
Aid of sorrow somehow payoff through strange feelings
Yes, our congratulations to all the redeemed soul!
Triumph of all the hardship
Handed-in by its constituents
All are fair in thy God’s wisdom
No one have been perfect
Kinetic advertisement has all its meaning
Young and old generations has its calling
Oh how we feel the ambience
Ultimate destruction in all day long
Bring all this note to infinity
Ritual of prayers and sanctuary
Oh we miss those old days
From day to day we dream of big dreams
On this very day we try to imagine
Rhymes of music from above
The name above all humanity
He will surface in the midst of tranquility
End of time in all the undertakings
Blessed sacrifice is the only remedy
Love one another has the necessity
End of time will surface upon its dime
Silence means yes but then
Sounds of silence is trembling
Ignorance of biblical passage is not excuse
Nightingale has all its musical answers
Get ready to face all the challenges
Sell out the words of God to humanity…
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ritual of prayers day by day
All had experience in different level
Yield your praises to the Holy God
Today tomorrow and every day
Old and youngsters are alike
Seed of repentance is in the offing
Papa and mama has all there story
All are eager to fulfill its promises
Ritual of hope and blessedness renewed
Endless devotion should be energize
Our Dear land is our symbol of humanity
Ultimate prayers and self offering is rampant
R oaring sounds of winds and rainfall
Love thy country au we love each other
And God always there in our midst of worship
Night and day seems too short by then
Dream of God’s blessing is yet to come!
Tearing all the silence
Yell of every Filipino
Pale faces of victims
Hear Oh Our Lord
On this day, your well be done
Oh how We cherished our forefathers
Nonetheless Bounty of prayers are there blanket
Oneness to thyself and eternity
Needed prayers are our only hope
Do nothing but submit to Almighty
Omnibus typhoon path has all its end
Yield your praising to our Creator!
Pray the Holy Rosary Every Day…
Friday, September 4, 2009
Vis-à-vis old and new character reside
All are seldom forecast my friend
Now today and tomorrow
Give yourself a new remedy
Endless camaraderie of all people
Lengthy debate is not biblical
Indignity of today and everyday
Zip your conscience to spiritual awareness
Endless behavior has all its meaning
Trend of camaraderie is within ones heart
Oh, how we wish its Godly advises
Friends, Brother and sisters…
On all our works we tried to fathom it all
Union of mind and spirit is beyond imagination
Rendezvous’ of all evils in the offing
Conscious soul is lost in Milky Way
On this very day we pray to Almighty
Ritual of worship and prayer is all around
Nonetheless all have its ample share
Edgeless yet clueless as mind dictates
Regret not for Jesus Christ resides in ones heart
Soft voices of angels sung everywhere
Only Time will tell the real tale
From their on, we hang-up to Almighty God
Tactless word of wisdom resides to everyone
Hinder ones heart to one and all
Elegant forgiveness is still around
Wild card of all the signals from humility
Oh how we wish this renowned catastrophe
Rigid training on our life toward His wish
Lord guide us for all our undertakings
Dream to preach in four corner of universe….
On this year to another four years
Ultimate boredom and loneliness
Ritual of eagerness is far beyond
Many have been retired & expired
Oh how I wish to still have fun
Ring of wisdom to spirituality comes in
Endless prayer and holy rosary as its calling
Wind surfing of crisis are abound
Elite have all the reasons to stay
All have the wish to a bottomless grace
Redeemed once energy is yet a dream
Yes we gasp and sigh for our term is near
Youth is at heart; body dictates otherwise...
Err is humanity but then God has all its way
Advance scenario is beam towards sunrise
Read between the lines and miracles is glare
Sing and dance towards new spiritual task!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Rare opportunity was given to us
In this part of earth, Filipinos had enormous help
Bring this note as immortal
Ultimate prayers has its own ways
Today , tomorrow and beyond
Endless humiliation still around
Trend of liberty and democracy abound
Oh we miss those advices and paradigm
True enough to our ancestors
Indignity and truth has its course
Today , all had daydream people power mania
Acknowledge by universe as a unique
Caring our hard earn democracy is a task
Olden days are here again
Ritual of prayers and lengthy rosaries
Yes, we are proud of you Tita Cory!
Brod Felix (
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A virtue that every one had seen
Ritual of blessings and prayers all over
Edgeless and clueless to all peace lovers
We feel the ambience of serenity
Endless democracy dictates its process
Love to God Almighty and countrymen
Leave this life with all our praises and blessings
Madame, we are praying perpetually
All the people in this world see a true democracy
Dear God, thank you once again... for
A true spiritual and national leader you gave us
Many have come yet few has such a heart
Endless sorrow to all are in God’s hands
Cradle of democracy is again at lost
Oh how we praise Almighty to have its own way
Ritual of Holy Rosary daily to our Blessed Lady
Yes, Madame Cory, Thank You & Farewell
Paint your heart red as the gloomy days are here
Roaring sounds of election air are abound
All are busy to check and balance their pocket
Yelling of those who in one way are cheated
For every one Filipino carries one wish
Old and new friends would come and go
Redeemed your lost last cents until wee hours
Tribune of leaders are yet to be scrutinized
His powerful mandate lies the Poor’s molar
Endless prayers are our only humble counterpart
Pale face of the sick and the needy
Hinder our economy until ground zero
Ill soul and lost hope are timeless and immortal
Love of our country is not a question
Ignorance of modern hemisphere has a reason
Peeping Tom are always there to chat the truth
Pile of claims are coagulant of a loosing soul
Indebted Philippines needs Eighty Million soul to repay
Nonetheless material claims are a dust in Heaven’s name
Each day we pay tribute to Holy rosary
Say your prayers for a New Philippines
All are the subjects of these sacrifices
Cruel world due to science and treachery
Recognize by then as unbalance of nature
Ignorance of universal law are no exceptions
Finger pointing to all the weak and less fortunate
Indignity is seldom heard today
Coagulant of sophisticated advancement is mess
Endless prayers are to be answered
See at blessed synagogue as witnessed
All are invited to have its own remedy
Toughness of oneself is not enough
Seven sacrifices are guided prayers by Almighty
Eve of preparations is gracious signs
Vile of humiliations are all sacrifices
Eagerness to be freed of universal foe
Not even one has seen these enemies
Solid holiness and blessedness of oneself
All are enjoined to pay tribute
Nonetheless Lord GOD has all the plans
Today and everyday we ask His forgiveness
Although we are sinners as the bible say
Creative minds of earthly terrorist
Ritual of their activity invites no one
Until Almighty hears our prayers and sacrifices
Zip all your spiritual energy to serve humanity !
Monday, August 3, 2009

Love and despair give its remedy
One, two decades had passed
Nevertheless we feel empathy and devotion
Give today the meaning of a true love
Life is a Gods gift to all human
In his Kingdom lies the true life
Vault of hatred and anger remains locked
Everyone has all its liberty
Today, tomorrow and everyday
Inlet and outlet of sacrifices dictates
Tantamount to all who believes in democracy
A Christianity by then is a destiny
Coagulant of a Filipino leadership
On every Filipino wishes my dear
Ring yourself & ready for judgment day
Yes we thank ,Tita Cory for peace & integrity
Brod Felix
Paint your heart with smile and sincerity
In this world wisdom through Christianity
Right or wrong all has its contributions
In all of our undertakings every now and then
Today and tomorrow we pray to Almighty God
Oh how we wish to have all the gift
From day till night we wait and see
Thrill of sacrifices and thriftiness
Ready to face the challenges in the offing
Ultimatum of all soul who miss the blessings
Team up today with your spirit and soul
Hang up to Jesus and ask for forgiveness
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Golden Memories my Dear
All have witness thy glory to Almighty
Pink Roses beacons one and all
Printed scenery are all in our minds
Yes, we glorify you Lord for all thy blessings
Behold the catastrophe in all thy undertakings
In redeemed of all thy humiliations from beyond
Regret not as we bring this news to one and all
Thoughtless as per see by then its God's glorious call
Hymn of all thy angels up in the sky
Day and night we pray to His holiness
All are welcome to celebrate this day
Yes simple at it is, but all are in His guidance
Sing today and everyday my friends
Individuality of all thy humanity
Sister we love your camaraderie
Triumph of thy universe is recognize
Elegant music has all the bases
Ring all the blessedness to thy character
Tremendous wholesomeness my friends
All are in the eyes of thy creator
Today , tomorrow and everyday
All have a wished for this natal day
Unity to all the spiritual prayers
Nevertheless every Christian should guide a lost soul
In every soul retrieved a glory to thy universe
Vault of sacrifices be enhances to glorious prayer
Endless worship and praising to thy God
Ritual of our apostles is perpetuality
Sing Alleluia , to the milkyway
All soul are welcome for salvation
Link your wish to clean Christianity:
Relieve ones conscience for eternity
Edge of phenomena is a dream itself
Love your neighbor as thyself
Indure the ill feeling of today’s world
Geared your acquaintances to the Holy Almighty
Indeed a pure Christian is in need of pure prayers
Oh how we wish, Universe will prosper
Nail your knees and honor Abraham our Christian Father!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Far from expected to date
All has it destinations by then
Regret not to all thy undertakings
Emptiness is on man’s life
We never regrets all the condemnation
Endeavors are always a reunion
Live longer through his guidance
Let’s enjoy the presence of Almighty in every day
May the spirits will have lasting peace
Youth of yesteryears has always its shortcomings
Friend of all friends my spiritual prayers all the years
Rhythm of all the prayers and rosary
Indeed a glorious meeting with the Creator
Endless camaraderie will continue, in a new place
Nobody has ever told its life after our existing life
D are to believe that you are always around
Believe in Him and you will be in His Kingdom
Oh we know that your re in good hands
Yes, we will pay to God to have you in his kingdom
Come to each blessings everyday
Hope we will have also our blessing from you
On this day I will tell that spiritual life is a reality
Pound yourself brother and have a great reunion with Him…
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mga salita sa pagpapayo
Andyan siya para sa amin
Pag-aaruga tungo sa mabuting landas:
Nakikita naming ang mga paghihirap
Sa buhay na nakaraan
Na kanyang pinagdaanan
Pagkain, bahay, edukasyon::
Hinahangaan sa lahat
Mga kasakitan,kasiyahan, at gawain
Ginawa kaming kapakipakinabang
Walang pwedeng pumalit::
Salamat po sa lahat
Lalo na sa Dios na mahabagin
Sa pagbibigay sa amin ng dakilang ina
Palaging nasa tabi naming kahit bumabagyo
Monday, July 6, 2009
Flow of words that advice
There she always for us ...
Nurtures the way she had
We witness its hardship
Life that we had way back
She underwent and glorify
Food, shelter, education
To date we admire those
Pain & merry jobs that done
We are made better brave humans
No one could replace
Yes...we thank thee
Above all the creators of us
You give us biological mom
Always with us...even in gloomy days!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hinanakit at sakripisyo ay magkabilaan
Ang lahat ay nasa iyo sa lahat na taon
Subali’t akin idinarasal araw-araw
Ang mga kabutihang natamo ko hanggan ngayon
Akoy lubos na inaal-ala ang nakaraan
Mga paglilitis at kasakitan ay may kaukulan
Pag-iisa sa kay Ginoong Jesus ay pagbibigayan
Buhay man kahit maigsi ngunit may kahulugan
Sa araw na ito bumukas ang mga bintana
Mga kaukulan ebanghelyo as naglan ng May-Poon
Ngayon ang katotohanan at hindi na panaginip
Thank you Lord for having me today
Hindrance and sacrifices are around
All is in your calling all through the year
Nevertheless I always pray daily
Kindness that you give me until then
Yet I appreciate all those years
On step to humility for I know its reasons
Unity to Jesus Christ is a task against humiliation
Life is short but no body can question
On this very day chances awake me
Ritual of evangelism in God’s name
Dream no more for today is reality…
Thursday, June 11, 2009
All are in proper decorum
Plants and flowers wishes to celebrate by then
Plenty are awaken and all are welcome
Yes an affair to all thy constituents
Go and feel His wisdom and glory
Old and new acquaintances alike
Live this earth with all the tidings around
Dream once and now a reality
Elegant praises of love to family
Nightingales sings its hymns from above
Bring this note to all who listens
Indeed we feel the ambiance
Rhythm of celebration across its miles
Tale of hardship diminished by then
Humming by heart is always heard
Dig deeper and sigh to all its nightmares
Always pray and kneel to the Lord
Youth of yesteryears has all its blessings
Twilight has its gleaming today and beyond
On this occasion we all pray
Nonetheless God showers all the milk and honey
In every way more Blessings to Come!
Happy 50th Birthday Gang & Congratulations!
Ang lahat ay nasa tamang kaayusin
Mga kagandahan at bulaklak ay nakipagtagisan
Marami pa ang nakakita at silay inimbita
Oo, ito ay para sa lahat na tumatangkilik
Lakarin at sikapin ang kaluwalhatian
Lahat na mga kaibigan inanyayahan
Makipagsapalaran sa lahat ng biyaya
Panaginip noon ngunit ngayon ay totoo
Mga papuri at pag-ibig ng pamilya
Ibon man ay kumankanta sa himig ng langit
Dalhin ang mga nota sa nakikinig
Naparinggan kahit ang katahimikan
Anggulo ng selebrasyon sa buong kapulongan
Kuwento ng Kasakitan ay hindi iisipin
Himig ng puso ay mapatnubayan
Napakalalim na babala sa lahat na panaginip
Magdasal palagi at lumuhod sa may-poon
Ang kabataan noon ay may kabanalan
Takipsilim ay kumikinang sa tanang araw
Sa pagpupulong na ito Diyos ang may akda
Siya ang nagbibigay ng lakas at biyaya
Sa lahat na daanan maraming grasya ang naghintay
Maligayang kaarawan at Purihin Ang May Kapal!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Umepekto sa reyalidad
Nguni’t may simula ang lahat
Malayo sa inaasahan at hangganan
Itaas at planuhin ang gagawin
Pag-igihan at Biyayaan ng Maykapal
Isa-isahin ang hakbang bawa’t araw
Isa-ilalim lahat sa May Poon
Kunin ang mga kasakitan
Lahat na motibo sa buhay ay nakasa-ad
Ang lunti-ang kaginhawaan ay andiyan na
Ang lahat ay may parehas na tsansa
Sundin ang nasaloob mo
Sa araw na ito ang Diyos ang magtuturo
Isulong ang sarili para sa kinabukasan!
Visually affect its reality
Yet, all has a humble start
Far from belief and eternity
Aim high & plan your work
Induce well and God provides
Tick one step day by day
Hone all request to His well
Retrieval of inner pain
All motive in life has its marked up
Green pasture is in the offing
All has equal chances by then
Nonetheless follow your way
On this day God will give guidance
Tow yourself to get milk and honey
Friday, June 5, 2009
Love and laughter are synonymous to every one
On this month of lovely flowers we offer
Win thy heart of good Christians
Endless prayer to the wee –wee hours
Rendezvous of good shepherd around
Sing alleluia to the golden rule
Old and new acquaintances awaits everyone
Freedom to choose the religion by then
Mother Mary is Always there for us
All are welcome today and everyday
Ritual of worship to all the Marians
Youth in thy heart is always a blessings
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
All is fair in thy blessedness
Songs and prayers are all in their lifestyle
Today, tomorrow and beyond
Dream of everyone is God’s gift
Elect your feeling to its dream
Feel free to recall all its resources
Enigma of resources has all its meaning
Nevertheless, trauma has all its clandestine trade
Dignity of freedom are of Gods blessings
Element of prayers through holy rosary
Redeemed the holiness preached during immemorial days
Hindrance of dignity has all the excuses
On this very day, Jesus blessed everyone
Love to humanity is all it takes
You will never feel the sorrow in your heart
Sing all your feeling to the blue sky
Pale faces has all the catastrophe by then
Ignorance has all the blessing at times
Rest assured we never tell anyone my dear
Ill feelings of everyone has its purpose
Test yourself to Spiritual Holiness..
Monday, May 25, 2009
Elect any one to be in his tidings
Save all your effort and to do all this holiness
Usurpation of Justice are but in His blessings
Shout all your petition through your heart
Today and every day He will be in your heart
Hold all your understanding in abeyance
Element of camaraderie are spiritually motivated
Many are called but few are chosen
Edge of graciousness is abundant in his command
Soul of today and yesterdays are blessed in His name
Sound of gospel music in one’s heart
Indeed a miracle waits to those believers
At times when hectic time is around
Hump of sacrifice are blended to your spiritual needs!
Monday, May 18, 2009
All have witnessed thy sacrifices
Christ of All Sons of Abraham
Ring this News to All Christopher’s
Elements of Humanity dictates
Driving its Spirits, Body and Soul
Holy Spiritual land in paradise
Enigmatic resistance done to hone oneself
Alight to thy receptive conscience my dear
Ritual of worship is not enough
Today, tomorrow and beyond
Oblige to address its parental consent
Free well is given to all Christ followers
Joy is given in ones heart
Every man has the opportunity to be saved
Sin is humanity as forgiveness is Divine
Ultimate freedom is infinite by then
Soul of every human is sacred by then
First and foremost by then
Indignity has all the wrongdoings
Emblem of all the hardship has its last rewards
Soon to rise the monument of salvation
Traces of divinity bids farewell to all wrong doings
Ah… How fruitful this yearly patron celebration!
Happy Fiesta….Sacred Heart Of Jesus…
(Every 3rd Sunday Of May )
Friday, May 15, 2009
Hindrance to each and every one affects its belief
Rendezvous of belief towards willful duty
In this very day we pray to God above all
Sing alleluia to the lord that we worship
Today, Tomorrow and every day
In depth spiritual activity towards lose soul
All are welcome to attest the miracle in life
No one has ever measure thy well of Almighty
Dare devil have just around the corner?
Endless prayers has all the mindful activities
Vendetta of the entire clandestine affair
Old and new are all give there support to dramatize
Tell yourself to kneel and pray the holy rosary
Ebb of worship can be heard all around the globe
Emptiness has never been experience in your heart
Submit yourself to Almighty God for the rest of your lfe!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
On this very day we conclude
All are welcome to participate
Give your method as simple my dear
On this very day we pray to the Almighty God
Regret as you come along those thin line
Aiming then all the controversy
Leave all the hindrances and problems
At times of hardship we kneel and praise His highness
Nonetheless ignorant of law excuses no one
Dare comrades used by darkness
Love one another as the commandment says
Easy yet pre-empt your victory
Simple yet commendable as the God say so
Song and dance to its glorious celebration
Willing to sacrifice its happiness
On this very day we claimed
Ritual of prayer and holy rosary
Sing & dance to glorify His name
Hunt all the dark spirits by then
Indignity to prosper its respect
Perpetual Help of Mother Mary
From those day in Fatima, Portugal
On this very day we create holy tidings
Rain or shine we tremendously glorify
Friends, family and neighbors
All are welcome to this timely worship
To be connected to Her Holiness
Induce the miracle that passes by
Merry go round to be in her practical gift
All have pray to this very own Earth
Feeling of loneliness will subside
In depth signatory to this celebration
Enigma of sincere devotees around
Sigh and free oneself to its grief
Tantamount to thy siblings around the globe
All are here today to celebrate Her perpetual concern.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hail to the golden voice.
After all this years we see your sacrifice
Pendulum of hardship no more
Prize are in eyes of our savior
Yes we pray one and all
Bring this news to all thy constituents
In this very day we dream of solemnity
Ritual of friendship and nativity
Today, tomorrow and beyond
Holy rosary is the prime key
Dignity to all that is called
Attempt to glorify in His command
Yield all your blessing to Him
Merry go round on this very day
Act in every way as the Holy Spirit may see
Main dream of every dream my dear
All have reach to their destiny if God provide
Enlisted merit would be never acclaimed
Songs of all the offspring around
In every way God’s provide his well
Nonetheless, every worship has Gods tidings
Go, and received all its blessing from heaven
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sing Alleluia to the Lord
All is fair in his eyes
Love one another as His wish
Any time of the day He is there awaits anyone
Yet only few have heard this spiritual call
Holy are those who always say the rosary
Endless time of the day as we roam around
Ritual of friendship and camaraderie
Every night is His message to alight
When all is ready enough to receive the Holy Spirits
Every member of your family has all the blessings
Come one and all to this Lord Banquet
On this very day we remember your gift
Merry go round has all the reasons
Entity are entitled to their place in New Jerusalem
Symbolizes love and tranquility
Courage and bravery in every one’s heart
Seldom have we spoken to thy atmosphere
Prices of today and everyday
Old days are her again
Ritual of clandestine affair
Trend of all the beauties around
Sing all the praising to His command
Find all your answers in thy hemisphere
Everyday and today we meet at the cross road
Solidify all your hardship to his blessings
Today tomorrow and beyond is God’s tidings!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Many are chosen but few are called
Enigma of all thy constituents
Sound of Holiness thru prayers and praising song
System of worship differ one another
All are in its terrific penitence to glorify Him
Go for the entire catastrophe in the offing
Elements of camaraderie always prevails
On this very day we show all its meaning
From our forefathers up to beyond infinity
Give all your love to human masses
On this day we receive the Gospel
Do your share to Glorify His Name
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
On this very day we admire its tidings
No one has forecast its shenanigans
Control of ones temper is from Him
Endless imagination is still has all the blessings
Aim to glorify ones name in every name
Lead all the viewers to its holiness
Engrave all the hardship to its constituents
Dare hemisphere are easy to forget
Today tomorrow and beyond
Ritual of blessings is eminent
Utmost duty to God above all
Triumph of its holy rosary daily
He was then our only savior by then
Regret not as we are following His commandments
Emblem of camaraderie is evident to prosper
Virtual sadness has all its glorious days
Embed your task in every day life
All are has its piece of sacrifices by then
Love one another is our supreme task….
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Location in Lenten affair
All is given on the eleventh hour
Scenery is abundant green in the offing
True to life experience has yet to come
Sing alleluia every day,
Endure your crucial task which emanates from Him
Vend all your sacrifices as the days will come
Energetic devotees had all the experience
Nonetheless Holy Spirit will guide to all wholehearted sacrifices
Willingness of every citizen has its gleaming
On each every wish had equity in Him
Right and left are all abundant figures
Divide your glory to days that come
Sing all thy Heart for the coming glory
In every day we give all the tidings
No one is exempted to do the daily chores
Pump your mind to its holiness
Ultimate goal is the glorious sacrifices
All are welcome to refrain the earthly sin
Long before Jesus has come to guide each one
Aim high to decode the barriers of Christianity
Sing Alleluia to Praise His Glories…
Ritual prayers can be heard anytime
All is in the eyes of the beholder
In this very day we focus our sacrifice
Soon to realize on special thing
Endless tale of death and sorrow
Today , tomorrow and beyond
Hope to hear the roaring sound of merriment
Ebb of happiness has yet to prosper
Like a dream of all dream
On this very day we come across
Reward and suffering has all the meaning
Dare to submit one indebtedness to Him
All is fair in His last judgment
Little by little we will understand
Love to conquer the weaknesses of all doubts
Emptiness has no place in each Holy devotees
Utmost importance has yet to recover by its penitence
Insure your admittance for the entire catastrophe
Angles of hardships is solve through our belief in Him…
Friday, April 17, 2009
Alam ng lahat ng sanlibutan
Laging may “K” kayo sa puso ninuman
Ang lahat ay nagpapasalaamt
Maligayang pagabay sa mga mahirap
Alam ng Dios ….at Siya laging nanalangin
Taas-noo kayong kinikilala ng madla
Pinili Ssapagkat an’dyan kayo palagi
Oo, walang kataposang pasasalamat
Ramdam namin ang grasya ng Dios
Ang Bagong Paraiso na iyong ibinalita
Tulala pa ang lahat sa mga milagro
Elegante ang dating kaya marami ang pumunta
Dahilan na magdagsaan ang mga debotos
Kapayapaan para sa mga naniwala ng Dios!
Ended a beauty to all who believe the begotten son
True to any one whose belief is meaningful
Err is humanity forgiveness is divine
Rank to all who belief in His miracle
Tantamount to all the blessing that subsides
He is blessed enough and receive spiritual gift
Emptiness to all who have achieved its spirituality
Pendulum of indebtedness hall all the purpose
Ritual of all the prayers has all its resemblance
Indigenous clandestine world for all the followers
Nice to witness all its meaning and emblem
Click to all the things that pass by then
Embrace the gift that we receive from eternity
Oh! How we treasure the glory to God
Find you self to meet the true greatness in life
Apocalypse of the God of all God
Prelude to the total greatness of universe
On its every prayer we say to our rosary
Son of Holy God Blessed us All
Today, tomorrow and beyond
Life is short with its twist and turn
Elegant things arrive in His Own way…
Entrance to the thick forest
No one has ever dared to redeemed
Ten of thousand of trees
Engulf its blessings to date
Nonetheless we seldom conclude
Soul of hope and camaraderie
Environment has all the reasons
Aim high to glorify its joyous name
Song of lullaby had all passed by
Oh how we remembered those times
Night and day we witnessed the miracle
In of today’s welfare and Milky Way
New era of offspring had risen
Pope-up in this Lenten season to purify
Unlikely to forget one obvious reason
All are seldom adhered to thy hemisphere
Lost soul can be traced back to eternity
Ah how grateful all those scenery
Sing and dance to His glory in heaven…
Monday, March 30, 2009

All is fair the glory of Almighty
Plain yet fruitful to start
Plague by all thy constituents
Yes, today is your best day
Bring all this news to all youngsters
In depth celebration is in one’s heart
Ritual of musicians and gospel singers
They all have glorious voices in Him
Hone your spiritual gift everyday
Drift your gems to its holiness
All things emanates from Him
Yuletide of spirituality among others
Born from the east to fulfill
All are geared toward sincerity to Him
Behave to forget all the catastrophe
Yes, a message above eternity
Rendezvous of solemn heredity
Ultimate clarity to all the unknowns
Buzz your wishes to thy Almighty..
Yield its blessings on this natal day
Happy Birthday Sis. Ruby & Congrats!

Tanan parehas diha sa langitnong himaya
Halapad ug mabungahon nga pagasugdan
Tinambungan sa tanang mga ka-igsoonan
Oo kining adlawa ang labing bulahan
Dad-a ang balita sa tanang nagpakabana
Halawom nga kasaulogan anaa sa kasing-kasing
Tolumanon sa mga kanta sa himaya
Ang tanang tingog dunggon diha Kaniya
Bansaya ang langitnong gasa sa kanunay
Isul-ob ang kina-iyahan sa pagkabala-an
Ang tanan nagsumikad sa Kahitas-an
Espirituhanong Kasadya labaw sa tanan
Gihimugso gikan sa sidlakan isip tubag
Ang tanan alang sa sinseridad ngadto sa Dios
Pamalandongi ang mga nangagi
Oo, ang mensahe ngadto sa kahimayaan
Pakigtagbo diha sa balaang pagsunod
Bug-os nga paghimamat sa mga tanghaga
Ihung-hong ang tanan ngadto sa Dios
Tagamtama ang mga grasya niining adlawa…
Malipayong Adlawng Natawhan BB Ruby!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pride of All the Christians
Enlisted ritual from bible era
Nobody predicts its meaning my dear
In this world of handy people
Today tomorrow and beyond its premise
Emblem of journalistic activities
Not one has served its catastrophe
Canonical praises has all its purposes
Evangelist of God’s gospel surpassed
Vend the realistic message of Messiah
In depth analysis of all those writings
All are welcome in His name
Crooks are God’s creation as well
Received them as your old neighbors
On every prayer we denotes unity
Son and daughters are calling you
Sip your belief from gracious blessings
Endless mercy awaits all constituents
Sing and praise Heavenly Father for all given chances
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Length of time is immemorial
Endless hope and blessing to all
Nightingale has all the sounds in silence
Trim to overdo the real perennial reason
Endless memory to one and all
Nobody wants us to procrastinate my friends
Seldom figures awaits each and everyone
Emblem of Jesus Christ in that holy cross
All along we drive to get all things done
Sentinel are aware of all the misdemeanor
Only then we bring good riddance to all the sins
Nevertheless We never adhere to fulfill its promises
In this world of humanity
Nobody is exempted to get in to reality
Corps of angels awaits real Christopher
Ritual of today and indemnity of forgiveness
Indeed a good deed is a riddance to hell
Seem all have no idea of our real world
In today Lenten season pray always to Almighty
Self advocacy as Heirloom to His Kingdom in Heaven
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Join one another on this very day
Edge of sacrifice foretell each and everyone
Sing Alleluia to God Almighty
Until man has all its procrastinations
Sound of calmness and solemnity
All are welcome inside out
Walk through faith in your heart
Aim to Glorify his name today and beyond
In this very day sacrifices teaches everyone
To bring good faith through Christ who strengthen us
Seldom believe in one easy trip by day
Our mission is to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ
Ultimate wisdom is synonymous to eternity
Roaring sounds of joy and merriment
Sip all your energy to the milky way
Always bring good tidings to mankind
Creation of holy sacrifices towards humanity
Ring all those messages to all devotees
Indent love to those who were forsaken
Flank by all those that our conscience dictates
Indeed good riddance will come your way
Cramp all muscles in this via crosses
Entitled to one more tidings
Soul of indemnity to carry your sin